Montrose, CO
100% of your virtual race registration entry fee is a donation to Valley Manor Care Center. You can also make an additional donation to our cause here.
Memories Matters Run/Walk is a annual event to support the residents of our long term care memory care community with uplifting programming, activities and surroundings to enhance their lives and the lives of their family members. Our memory care community is focused on providing whole person care and use of validation therapy - a therapy which reduces patient stress by empathizing with elderly patients by helping to connect with them through listening and dignified care in their final stages of life. Valley Manor Care Center is a program of Volunteers of America. Founded in 1896, Volunteers of America is a national, nonprofit, faith-based organization dedicated to helping those in need live healthy, safe and productive lives. Through hundreds of human service programs, including housing and health care, Volunteers of America touches the lives of more than 1.3 million people each year across the country. For more information on Volunteers of America, visit